Configure Telnet and SSH on Cisco Packet Tracer
- 1 minTo enable telnet or SSH on Cisco router, simply do it with “line vty” command. lets Configure:
First create topology Network. and set a static IP for PC client, router and switch. See the picture below.
Go to Router0 console and configure Hostname, Secret password and telnet with “line vty” command.
- “Enable secret ‘your password’” command for your router password user privileges.
- The “line vty” command enable the telnet and the “0″ is just let a single line or session to the router. If you need more session simultaneously, you must type “line vty 0 10“, its mean 11 client can access telnet.
- The “logging synchronous” command stops any message output from splitting your typing.
The “exec-timeout” command just sets the time-out limit on the line from the default to “10″ minutes.
Testing Telnet Connectivity.
Let’s test telnet from the admin or client PC. Type telnet and press enter, then enter the telnet username & password. Next type enable command and press enter, then type the router password.
Now you are remotely connected to router R1 and you can execute all router commands through telnet command line interface.
SSH Configuration.
- “line vte 1 3” <~ this command will set only line 1 to 3 Virtual Teminal Lines can access SSH.
- “username budi password luhur” <~ this your username and password for SSH access.
- “crypto key generate rsa” command, when ask you “How many bits in the modulus [512]:” just type “1024″ and press enter. The system will generate 1024 bits keys to secure session lines. You can choose modulus in the range of 360 to 2048.
service password-encryption <~ encrypt your SSH password.
Testing SSH Connectivity
From a client PC, open the command line and type “ssh -l budi” then press enter.
Now we have connected successfully and the connection is secured with Secure Shell.